About Me:
I am a retired Information Technology administrator who built and flew control line as a kid, radio control as a young adult, and have experienced everything from trainers to scale ducted fans. After many years of being out of the hobby I have decided to get back in. A few years back I saw a Walkera UFO and thought "just how neat is that!" But I procrastinated until I finally got tired of seeing the X-heli commercials on television and broke down and bought a $58 counterrotating Syma S033G. Now don't get me wrong, for $58 its size is pretty impressive, and it flies really well "indoors" in any wind not so much. So it's with this experience that I am entering the world of building my own quad rotor.
Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest
LOS quad and hexacopters for aerial vidography
Yuma Az