Being sick about changing the flight modes of APM 2.5 on my Turnigy 9x via rotary pot (which is actually not really practicable), I searched for alternatives to switch.
What are the possibilities ?
1. Buying a rotary Switch for the 9x with presoldered Resistors - 30$ - No Way
2. Buying the Switch and solder the Resistors by myself - maybe 3-5$ - possible but not satisfying
3. Thinking about the Problem and finding a Solution - priceless
So i decided for #3 --> Big Thank to my good friend Direk from BBC (Bavarian Baustel Crew) who is a electrotechnical Crack and his CNC Machine ;)
This is the result:
The Flight Mode Controller Board Alpha 0.1
It's made to fit in the 9x above the Mainboard.
1. Switching Flightmodes via buttons with LED Feedback
2. Adding a I2C to 9x for a Nunchuck Controller
3. Controlling a Pan/Tilt Cam by Gyro (Turning your Head turns the Cam) or Joystick of the Nunchuck
4. Controlling your RC Plane / Drone / Whatever over UMTS or even EDGE (PPM over IP)
5. Integration in 9x Software
6. Mavlink
7. Interfaceing a brushless Gimbal (actually i have to add some Motor Drivers)
8 ...
where can I get one of these boards?
@mark, i am an old school r/c pilot and up till now I have been flying with a Multiplex MC 3030 for the last 20 years. It used to be the first uC controlled r/c transmitter with an LCD display. The software is very well thought out, it has only 4 menus:
- input configuration (expo/diff/power curve/etc.)
- stick to servo(s) config or stick to mixer config (everything is freely configurable)
- output configuration on every channel (expo/diff/mixers/power curve, etc)
- mixer configuration
This concept makes it possible to control everything from blimp, cars, boats to helicopters.
I am now looking to replace it, probably with another multiplex pro-line t/x. They can be pretty expensive but it served me the last 20 years, quality has it's price ... not sure if their software is still so well abstracted.
PS: some people were unhappy with this concept because it was too abstract and didn't give and presets for known configurations.
Yeah I'm very happy with ER9x and use the combination of the 2 and 3 position switch for flight modes. No lack of configurability or flexibility at all.
I agree with Hugues, I use a stock 9X and I get all 6 flight modes from the 3 position switch split with the gear switch. I've never had a problem and I doubt if I ever will.
@Simon, what transmitter did you have in mind? Software-wise at least, the 9x with er9x or open9x is about as flexible as can be imagined, at least in my (limited) knowledge of transmitters.
Nice, love to see a video of this in action. I kinda like doing it with open9x and voice and the 6-pos rotary. But to each his own. Thats what I love about these 9x's, so hackable!
Really nice ;)
There is even a 5th option: buying a flexible/configurable/extensible transmitter (no offense).
That's true, but it wasn't practicable for me.
My Solution right now has one 4 bit DAC (which is good for up to 16 Flightmodes) and two 8 bit DAC
There is a fourth solution that everybidy uses most : using the combination of a two pos switch with the three pos switch. That is out of the box in the stock T9X, to configure 6 modes for APM.