"Hey Andre!
So I flew again today and it flew beautifully!!
I used the PIDs you suggested and also put the stabiliza pitch and roll on channel 6 in one of the dials in my Futaba with a 2 to 7 range...
trid 4 first and it wobbled, then 2 and it went…"
Andre, thanks so much for your reply.
Please have a look at the video I uploaded in youtube from the crash.
I took off in loiter mode, I tried switching to stabilize but was too late.
Initially I thought Ive got a motor…"
Hi all,Ive just finished building a 1100mm 15 pound quadcopter with:-24 inch props-6215 kv170hv motors with 80A esc-Pixhawk-12s set up with 4x8A 6s batteriesToday I did the maiden flight and it lasted 15 seconds before it flipped and crashed.I took…