I uploaded PX3.3 on my pixhawk. Is it possible to test the PX4FLOW without GPS ? You said optical flow is used in normal loiter mode, but i cant arm in loiter mode without GPS (i dont want to use GPS). Can you help me a little further trying…"
"Hi Alexander, Found the problem. When using mavconn, their is a file called mavconn-bridge-serial.cc with a list of messages that can be send :( I have put my message with message ID 70 in the list and now it works like a charm !
"Hi Alexander,
I Found a problem but not yet a solution. I sniffed the serial port with a logic analyzer, and i see that the heartbeat is send, but the override message is not ?! I'm using code from : https://pixhawk.ethz.ch/software/mavconn/start to…"
I'm also trying to override rc channels from in a C++ program. I tried with mavproxy and that works, so the firmware in my hexacopter (pixhawk) is receiving the commands, also with Mission Planner I see the values of the RC move...…"