Hey!I was wondering if there is a datasheet or any Information on the IMU used on the APM2.5? On the ArduPilot page there seems to be only information on the APM1 hardware - and even there I can not find any datasheets or similar information. I…
"All right - we found the problem. In our case we want to do external control and state estimation so we needed some specific MAVlink messages containing IMU measurements. So in case you have a similar problem here is what we did to get the attitude…"
Hey there :)I am not sure whether this is the right place for my question, but I feel like it could be a software problem. Recently I noticed, that the APM sends MAVlink messages at about 13Hz maximum. Even if I request a rate of 50Hz! (Tested in…
"Solved it - not very neat but it works I think :)
The voltage seems to be the problem. I decided to test this and took a 4.5V Battery pack (3x1.5V) and used this to power the Sonar. Now the Value in QGC stops to jump (tested it up to an altitude…"
Hey guys,my altitude hold was working very poorly, so I decided to read out my ultrasonic data. Up to height 100 (not sure about the units here) it works fine but then the signal starts to jump at random. I was wondering if this could be some kind…
Hey,does anyone of you guys know where I can define a new Parameter, which i can observe in MP? I want to record the TROTTLE_CRUISE. I could overwrite an existing parameter but I am not sure whether this will work. Any Ideas?Were in the code is this…
"I have a new Problem now: I can not arm my motors anymore. It worked quite well a couple of times to upload my own code but since the last upload of my code I can not start the copter anymore. I tried the firmware via MP and the Problem is the same,…"
Hey Guys,I am about to change the ArduCopter code (no experience there - want to try out some changes in altitude control). Now my question: For I am using a Hexacopter - do I need to specify my setup in the code? I am using Arduino to load the code…