It's been a few years but now I want to get into aerial photography again. In 2011 I bought all the gear, including a ArduPilot Mega. The exact type is:
ArduPilot Mega - Arduino Compatible UAV Controller w/ ATMega2560
I noticed my copter tilting backwards, while it's leveled correcty. So it needs correcting all the time while flying. But now I have an idea what's causing the problem. The ESC that's controlling the motor on the back is getting more hot than the ot
I'm just playin with my assembled APM+Shield and noticed when I'n in CLI and run the altitude test command, the altitude varies around 50 to 60cm in a few seconds (while it is laying in my room in dead air). Is that the Baro accuracy? If so, bar
Hi all! Because I live in Europe and want easy access to the frame materials, I ordered the frame parts from Ponoko (all Acryllic), got the nylon hardware from a dutch dealer. It was easier and cheaper to buy a complete frame, but now I know where to
Today I received my package and tackled the most challenging part of my Quad building process. Soldering the APM and shield. I soldered a few connections a few years ago but that's it. But it went very well and I got my board up and running
Hi all, I just bought the thinnest 15mmx15mm alu tubing at my hardware store. Thickness is 1.5 mm.. But now I realize that's probably way to thick and it should be 0.5mm?
Finally I registered myself as a member of this community. The past months I've read a lot about the QuadroCopter's. And I must say, everything is very well documented and info is easy to find. I'm positively suprised everybody is helping ea