Giles Barton-Owen's Posts (3)

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Beginner with $650

My aim is to make a simple Ardupilot setup on a EasyStar for strictly £400 or $650 (but shipping is expensive globally as I'm in the UK). I have the Fidi programmer and reasonable Arduino experience so thats not a problem but I want to know, for instance whether the 4Hz GPS is worth the extra $100 etc. (I already have the 32 Channel LS20031 GPS 5Hz Receiver carried by sparkfun) and a Spectrum DX5e w/ receiver.Any mods to the EasyStar worth doing to start with? (I can get it for £80 inc. delivery)I know that its probably covered else where but not all in one place.Any comments would be much obliged.
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Just recently I have had a few odd problems when using Google Reader to view the "Everybodies Blog Posts - DIYDrones" feed. The last 7 posts to go on the feed (from Fred and Den) have had after them about 100 links after the small body of text. The ads (I think that's what they are) seem to have no relavence to the post. The posts themselves seem pretty unconnected with the DIYDrones theme but it is an open area so I don't mind. Could someone test to see if they have had a similar problem when using Google Reader with this feed.
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