I am new to Pixhawk. I just bought a pixhawk and want to upload my arducopter code (I added my own flight mode) to pixhawk using arduino. However, I found out that the selection of hal board in the arduino does not have pixhawk as one of the optio
I am using APM 2.5 with GPS and I am trying to get data such as position and velocity from AP_InertialNav using get_position() and get_velocity(). However, I noticed that the position and velocity provided by these 2 functions are not very accurate.
I was using arducopter v3.1.2 and xplane 9 for the simulation. My problem is that there is no throttle signal when I move my transmitter throttle stick. The other sticks have got no problem as the mission planner is able to detect the signal as I mov
My APM 2.5 is spoilt recently due to short-circuit when I was trying to measure the battery voltage with my own potential divider. Currently, the APM cannot be detected by the mission planner and Arduino. Is it possible to repair it?
I have tried to test the orientation data calculated by the AHRS_test from the library and I noticed that the yaw, pitch, roll values just drifted away even when APM 2.5 was just left stationary on the table. I was wondering since the apm 2.5
is it possible to power both apm and servos with a USB cable? I mean by connecting the apm board to the computer? I tried to control the servo but it seems like it doesn't work. Is it because of the lack of power supply by the USB? The followings are
I am planning to write my own code without using arduplane's code. I tried to include the library file from arduplane into my own code to get the IMU data output (roll pitch yaw, acceleration and GPS) but it doesn't work. May i know how I can achieve
I bought an ArdupilotMega 2.5 with gyro built-in. I am trying to get roll, pitch, yaw values from the IMU using Arduino. However, I couldn't find any solutions on the web. Does anyone know how to get all these values?