My friend has a widows 7 laptop with a good working 1.2.33 mission planner. When I install 1.2.38 or 1.2.40 or the latest version 1.2.93 it runs the installation normally but the application does not run good.
As I did not succeed to view the acc axis vibration levels in the log browser I've viewed the data in real-time when I was not flying with usb connection.
the x-axis and y-axis was +-8 when the quad was not moving
I've compiled and uploaded firmware versus v1.2.9 on apm2.5 but I've not added #define GPS_PROTOCOL GPS_PROTOCOL_UBLOX in apm_conf.h so in my opinion it uses the default protocol MTK (as defined).
But in terminal it says ublox OK:so it seems to accept
Normally if you create a mission with waypoints and a home location with takeoff you have your home location where you armed last your quad. So you place your quad at the exact lacation to takeoff. But if you have no internet at the location where