"Not the way I'm using the motors. I only pull apx. 3~6A from these ESC's and motors per. If you went 6S or you had a heavy copter you would need larger ESC's."
I've built a bunch of Align machines, and then a Logo. I wasn't expecting it to be much different, but WOW. So few parts, and everything just goes together so well. I'll post up some pictures once I get my built…"
"Never got the notifications for this thread, so guess this is a wee bit outdated. But I dont have an APM or Naza on this quad so I don't have any settings or troubleshooting tips for those controllers. Out of the box settings for the MWC board…"
"Not sure if you'll get this message but I gave up on this helicopter. I don't have the final settings, sorry. The swash plate would jam up every start up before settling into proper position, no settings seemed to fix the min-max. Also this kit was…"
"Don't take this the wrong way, but why would you go through the development cycles and release a product that "might" work with the PX4 if that was your target in the first place? Why not look into this from the beginning? You state having no…"
"The 5010, or Multistars, are almost the same. The spreadsheet is good enough for both of those motors. So if your trying to calculate flight time of the 5010-360kv motors you use that spreadsheet..."
"@Andrew, yes anything that makes it heavier will give you less flight time. EoD has an xcel spreadsheet that lets you calculate flight times vs. weight for these long duration multicopters on the thread I posted in the blog details. I've been using…"
"Not sure, I've never tested flight times based on longer or shorter arms. I only have the one size. I think though that at 900mm there could be a lot of flex in the arms using such small tubes. If you fixed that by going with larger arms then you…"
"Hi Andrew.
The NAZA should work fine on this size of a quad. Do you have a video you can post so we can see what the problem is? Also you may want to read the main duration thread on RCG for settings others are using for the NAZA. I don't fly with…"