




Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Copters, Python scripting in mission planner, Automated route execution



Activity Feed

Ioannis posted a discussion in ArduCopter User Group
Dear allI need your help in the following simple(?) issue: I have connected through I2C two ARDUINOs (a master MEGA and a slave NANO). Using the following code they communicate correctly:For the master:#include <Wire.h>String msg = String("");void…
Jun 12, 2018
Ioannis posted a discussion in PIXHAWK
Dear allI need your help in the following simple(?) issue: I have connected through I2C two ARDUINOs (a master MEGA and a slave NANO). Using the following code they communicate correctly:For the master:#include <Wire.h>String msg = String("");void…
Jun 12, 2018
Ioannis replied to Bill K's discussion How does MAVLink, Mission Planner, and Pixhawk come together?
"Hi Bill
since we face a similar problem, did you finally get a solution to your request? Can you please share it with us?"
Jun 6, 2018
Ioannis replied to Ioannis's discussion wireless GPS data transfer through MAVLINK and PIXHAWK
"Thank you Chris! I'm thinking the following solution: to use an ARDUINO on-board on the drone, receiving in one of its serial ports the above string (<ID,11.111111,22.222222,33.33,hh,mm,ss,iter\n> )
the uC with the suitable software will parse the…"
May 13, 2018
Ioannis replied to Ioannis's discussion wireless GPS data transfer through MAVLINK and PIXHAWK
"After 100(!) views, NO REPLY means: either my question has an obvious answer, either it is very difficult to find a solution to the requirement? What is going on guys??????????????????"
May 10, 2018
Ioannis posted a discussion
Hello everyoneI'm facing the following problem: a stationary (on the ground) GPS + an arduino MEGA + an RF link at 433MHz configuration, produces,  parses, recombines and transmit through the RF its GPS position in the…
Mar 31, 2018