"Dear Developers,
great job! I tried today 3.2, seems to be better than previous 3.2RC versions, stable and calm in all flight modes. I just ask myself, what could be next developing direction???"
"3.2-rc2 is doing very good so far, on my apm2.6, hybrid mode is especially good, for beginners as well for advanced pilots. As for now, no side effects :)"
"RC5, great!
Just a quick check:
I just saw that COMPASS_EXTERNAL is set to zero in this release. I have it earlier enabled and calibrated as well, as external one. Works great, just tell me please is this ok to remain as zero value, or I have to…"
"Autotune rc4:
I tried today autotune, but simply nothing happened. Ch8 set to switch autotune (17), after it tookoff, then in AltHold, then ch8 and autotune on, and waited, nothing, still nothing... Changed ch8 option to rtl, in the air hit that…"
"Arducopter 3.1 rc3
No bug reports, no complaints, no .tlog .log etc, only good experience! Tested new lipos (5Ah+4Ah) on HexaCheers for Loiter, ~3.5kg. Cheers DevTeam!
Tested today 2.75beta2, works perfect! Mysteries with data-link 433mhz resolved, probably cable went out from a connector, when landed, now it is ok. Even roll/pitch in FBW resolved, roll in apm was not reversed :) and simply it was all…"
I dont get it, are the gains still too low? FBW and Cruise are ok, but Loit and RTL are not doing well, the plane starts to climb and tries to get rolled too much, afterwards it heads nose down in a spirale, rapidly loosing height. In manual,…"
"Hello all!
Just tried 2.74b and having some problems with tuning on apm2.5. FBW and cruise are more/less ok, but when on loiter/RTL it is entering in some strange turns rapidly loosing height, and after switch back to manual, it is ok now. I have…"
"Hello again!
Thank You for all the assistance I got, it was really good! Finally, everything is on its place and ready to go. I att. there are things we managed to change, with no significant damages to other chips in arround. D1, D4, low voltage…"