"try to select the com port corresponding to your radio mdule in mission planner but ensure that the radio module is already transmitting and then click connect, if you have a successful connection uplug the usb cable, (your board must be running…"
"I have found a solution but i don't know if it helps you I was having the same problem, i have a wifi module connected to my board "Crius v1.1", I use tcp connection, the steps are:
1) power you board from the battery and connect it to the pc via…"
"I solved my problem, it seems that there is a problem in megapirotng 3.01 r4 serial 2 and 0, when i flashed my board with the mpng 2.8 r3, the connection was established successfully using tcp connection."
"I'm having this problem know that I can't get over, when i try to connect I get this message " getting params(sysid 1,compid1)--> the first image, and the the second message comes up --> the second image,i have set the MP to listen to port 2000 the…"
"I'm using the wifly module connected to my board (crius aiop), the wifly and my pc are connected to a router, mission planner is seeing the udp connection but can't load the configuration, I get connection time out, I think I'm having a problem with…"
"Hi, i have the crius aiop running megapirateng, I'm interrested in connecting the quad to droidplanner via wifly for telemetry, can any one tell me the steps that should be done to do it? I'm a beginner. Thanks"