"Sorry about the blooper.
SO I was saying that I have no idea that weather I should use the complete code and include all the libraries. Plus can I access the values only on the serial port monitor?
I am a beginner and any help would be appreciated."
"Hi Stefan,
I want to read the basic paramters from APM like imu, roll,pitch yaw etc. I want to get this data through an Arduino Uno. I have no idea ho"
"Hi Stefan,
I want to read the basic paramters from APM like imu, roll,pitch yaw etc. I want to get this data through an Arduino Uno. I have no idea ho"
"hi Chethan,
I am currently trying to do the same task as you did. Hopefully by now you may be able to help me. I too needt to get apm data and I dont know how. If you can guide me I will be much obliged."
"Hello Shyam,
Thanks for the tutorial, just what a "dummy" needed :). Currently I am trying to get live data from apm. I am using arduino uno with the apm. I need to get the updated parameters like IMU, attitude,battery staus etc. Can you suggest any…"
"Hello Shyam,
Thanks for the tutorial, just what a "dummy" needed :). Currently I am trying to get live data from apm telemetry. I just want the basic data imu, attitude,battery staus etc. Can you suggest any simple way as I am new to all this stuff."