"That is a counterfeit ublox part. That is a Chinese knock off. You have been cheated. The way to tell is quite simple.
Each ublox chip has a unique serial number. Every ONE! The smart tag on the ublox chip that you have is a QR code. It is not…"
"The latest units are the GluonPIlot2. They include a point and click waypoint generation using the GluonControlStation. Onboard OSD. Xbee or similar socket. Direct powering from 2, 3 or 4 cell LiPos
It is sold around the world. It is sold and…"
"I am not clear if the reference quoted below re firmware 2.51 is to the version of code on the IMU or the version of the code on the ArduPilot. Could someone clarify? Thanks
Note 1: This IMU can serve as a replacement for ArduPilot's thermopile…"