Yep. The Paparazzi and the newer Lisa/M and Linux variants have been around for over 10 years.
The Paparazzi Gents have already ported to the A.R.Drone. There is a Paparazzi forum here on DIYD too.
...Maybe they could help...;) ...or more…"
"This a similar idea to the FeiYu Tech suspension mount. That was fine for their gyro only FY20A because the vibrations are less of an issue for those sensors, but it gave problems to many who used it on their modules that used accelerometers to…"
"Hi Chris,
I have been flying quadrocopters and doing impovement mods to various quads including the XUFO, X-BL/Funpilot, Experimental brushless Draganflyer, UAVP and Mikrokopter v1-1.3 for the last 7 years. For the last year, I have been helping…"
I have put togther and am continuously updating an index to help folks get through the mountains of info on Quadrocopters and Tricopters. Quadrocopter and Tricopter Mega Link Index: www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1097355 Hope that…
"Hi Victor and All,
It has been almost two years since you last posted, but I thought I would give you an update on the current UAVP open source project that was generously started by Dr Wolfgang Mahringer. It is still alive and has taken on new life…"