I have built 3 pixhawk quads, and this is my first attempt at a (genuine :)) pixracer racing quad.
The instructions for calibration are very clear. When turning back on in calibration mode, I only get one long tune at the start and then nothing else.
How do range finders handle trees? I have processed a lot of data from manned aircraft with laser altimeters and these often record first and last returns (reflections). The first reflection is of course the tree canopy, and the last is the ground.
A government official policing RPAS systems in Australia told me that a company with a $300k payload on a huge multi-rotor has lots of redundant systems. This was not news, but what I did find interesting is that this company also monitors the system
A lot of safety focus for RPAS is rightly on protecting the general public, that is people that are not associated with the flight of the RPA. We recently did some advanced training (but we are still learning) and the instructor was telling us horror