I tried to load the new code through Mission Planner, it got half way through and lost the connection for some reason, now I cannot connect at all. I can connect through the terminal. I can connect through Arduino but when I upload the code I get an
I have a pre-soldered kit running RC1.When I switch it on all pre-flight checks are fine. When I then increase the throttle and leave it, first the clockwise motors speed up and then return to the rpm I set, then the counter clockwise motors do the s
Noob question. I have patiently gone through all the set up, had to re-solder a couple of ESC bullets. But now when I plug the Lipo in one of my motors is twitching and beeping continuously. So I have soldered the ESC and motor leads but it still twi
Noob Question. I have the pre-soldered kit, I have unplugged ESCs, motors and receiver, plugged in usb, set up Arduino with Com port and correct board ATMEGA 1280. I have the Arducopter NG and Libraries file in the Arduino Folder and point Arduino to
I've connected to configurator via usb cable , initiated EEPROM. Now I'm trying to set values for X and Y accelerometer. How do I physically set them to zero? nothing I do moves them?
Complete nooby query. When I plug the lipo into one of my ESCs there are no beeps at all, whereas the other three ESCs do beep. What could be the problem? Is the ESC faulty? Any help greatly appreciated.