"That's exactly the whole point of this story. 13 pages of hatefull thread for such a stupid thing.
While you're on the boat of open source, there's also moral rules on the other side. Taking such a decision to lock a functionality on a stealthy…"
"But obviously the group that makes the decisions (and I'm not one of them, I'm just along for the ride) have determined that on balance, this is the best way to go
& what I think is this is clearly not the way to go.
3DR consequencies:
- bad…"
Does the GPL allow me to require that anyone who receives the software must pay me a fee and/or notify me? (#DoesTheGPLAllowRequireFee)
No. In fact, a requirement like that would make the program non-free. If people…"
"If someboy looks for alternative tracker software, I've made an open source tracker compatible with Mavlink/UAVTalk/Multiwii MSP/Ublox/NMEA/LTM protocols here:
It works on Arduino Mega or Teensy++2 boards.
It also adds ground OSD feature on…"
"Can we cool down and have a productive discussion guys ?
To summarize the situation:
1/ APM planner & Mission Planner implemented a certificate check that officially supposed to alert users of their FC origin. This makes sense considering they…"
Just for info, Mavlink support has been updated & works like a charm on the GS.
Now GS also support ground based OSD too ( GhettOSD ).
Those kind of BT/3DR bridges works perfectly , that's what I used before…"
"How can you be stupid enough to fly like this in such a place ? That's really not the kind of example to show in a video too, or do you want UAV be forbidden defititively in France ?
Are you aware new restrictive laws are coming in our counry,…"