"By the way is there any method how can I find out what is correct compass_orient setting for my compass?
I've tried the hard way - change compass_orient - reboot - calibrate compas - reboot and compare both compass raw values via status page."
"I does not have fix as I'm indoors, and GPS antenna is pointing Up, when mounted as on one of pictures. When GPS antenna is up, compass is down. I can go out and try for GPS fix tomorrow."
"Thank you David for such quick responses :)
I've set Compass_orient for compass1 to 0, and raw values from both compasses seem pretty close, but EKF does not aproove.compass3.png"
"I don't think its upside down. Pixhawk is inside the frame mounted pointing at front, and compass is with arrow forward. The board inside is mounted (as it came from factory) 45 degrees turned (like an diamond) but compass chip has also arrows…"
Hello,I'm having a battle with my compasses. I use pixhawk clone and M8N GPS with compass.I'm unable to find orientation setting, where I will not have EKF compass variance errors.I think that this is not mag interference problem because this…