"Hey MBR, I'm the maker of the MAVBoard, the mavlink hub/telemetry converter based on an arduino chip. If you are interested in getting that code working for it, I can send you some free samples!
It currently uses a modified version of the JD-ioBoard…"
"Oh, and to flash new firmware to the MAVBoard, connect the jumper on the JP1 header, as this connects to the Tx line to the ATMega, and then simply connect your FTDI adapter to the "IN" port.
From the Arduino IDE, select the board "Arduino Pro or…"
I am behind getting docs together. Been busy making and shipping the boards themselves. In about a week I will have full documentation showing what all the pins/ports do and specifically how to connect it to an FrSky D series telemetry…"
Hey all, I just wanted to remind everyone the MAVBoard Indiegogo Campaign is ending in less than 5 days. It is just shy of half way meeting its goal, but its a flex funding campaign, so everyone will get their boards regardless. But if you would…
"The basic idea behind this project is that the APM has pretty much all the telemetry you need to feed the FrSky telemetry without actually needing sensors/hubs. Merging actual sensors and mavlink data into one stream seems possible but complicated.…"
"Yes, the slight difference in cell voltage is because of the rounding. Yes, we could only show an average of 1 cell, but then the FrSky LCD would show a total voltage of only the one cell count. My opinion is that it is better to have the total…"
"We only have the full voltage, so we try and detect cell count by total voltage, and then we return back the total voltage divided by cell count. It's not perfect but it does give a very good sense of what is going on voltage wise."
I just wanted to remind OSD users, especially MinimOSD users, about the MAVBoard indiegogo campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mavboard. It's just about at the half way point and is a little less than half way funded!One of the primary uses…
"healthyfatboy - yes, that is exactly my goal to support the Taranis telemetry. I have already looked at Rolf's code, and the MAVBoard can support the inverted serial required by the FrSky S.Port just fine, so now I just need to actually get my hands…"
"Ah yes... interesting idea. It does assume you have a 3dr-type telemetry link though. I personally run some of my copters with no 3dr telemetry since I get pretty much everything I need from the FrSky telemetry link, which is already there anyway if…"
"Unfortunately you can't feed the raw mavlink stream directly into the RC Rx, as it would either be too much data for the link (assuming it supports a transparent serial bridge, like OpenLRSng), or the Rx wouldn't understand the protocol, because it…"
"Thanks all! I will see about getting a video up in the next day or so!
healthyfatbot, yes I am planning on fulfilling these even if the campaign isn't 100% funded, but might make a smaller batch and not have as many to provide to other online…"
I have finally got the MAVBoard to a state where I am ready to take pre orders via Indiegogo! After several revisions of the boards, I am quite happy with them and would like to take pre orders so I can get a large batch of them made.Here is the…
"The code from the original post of this thread in fact implements the SmartPort protocol. Using the teensy to do the mavlink to SmartPort protocol conversion, along with that hardware mod at the Tx should be enough to get telemetry on the taranis…"