Mike Sousa's Discussions (37)

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DJI Zenmuse Z30 Zoom


The Zoom control doesn't seem to make the camera zoom in or out. We've had to manually set it before a route. Is there something I'm missing? Is the Z30 a supported camera? If not, is there a list of supported cameras? If so, what are expected valu

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Set waypoint as landing spot


I've been able to set one of the waypoints as the 'start point', will that make the return to home point also? If not, how do I make the start point the return point? The route became numbered in a way that the 1st waypoint is in the middle of the

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Orientation of quad after Hold


During some flights (facade routes), with both a Mavic 2 Zoom and a Matrice 210 RTK, pressing 'Hold' followed by doing some manual flying was done. When Continue was pressed, the quad went back to the original route but did not resume the proper or

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Exporting section of route from Telemetry


I've collected telemetry for a fairly long flight and because of this, it has too many waypoints and will not process (I'm suspecting that's the reason why). Is it possible to save a part of the telemetry as a KML file in the Telemetry player, or m

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UgCS for DJI setup


I've been able to get a number of routes to execute but still have some questions about some of UgCS for DJi's functionality:

Can I get the video recording to start at a specific waypoint? I usually start it with the 'Set Camera Mode' section of the

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