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Otto Leiben commented on Wayne Dancer's blog post DIY Radio Altimeter ::Updated::
"Excellent project, it requires two antenna one for the TX and one for RX with a seperation distance. because it TX and RX are on at the same time, see CWFM RADAR. It needs isolation between the antennas, so the TX signal doesn't not overpower the…"
Dec 3, 2010
Otto Leiben replied to Sesan FESOBI's discussion PROBLEM MATLAB-FLIGHTGEAR INTERFACE
"Mathlab is a cult. In the long run you will be a better to develop using a "free language" . Are you strong enough to resist their short term gain for long term enslavement? Just say No!"
Aug 14, 2009
Otto Leiben commented on Paul Mather's blog post What's the limit on number of waypoints?
"Hi Happy,
Enter a Home and Waypoint 1 only. Use the google map scale ruler to seperate the points by 2 miles. Should the Total mission distance be 4 miles? Its doesn't, it reads 6.3 miles. Why is this so?"
Aug 14, 2009
Otto Leiben commented on Paul Mather's blog post What's the limit on number of waypoints?
"Nice job, it appears the total mission distance is not correct. I used a simple stright line "Home" to waypoint 1 and back ( latitude 30 degrees North). Its off, actual distance is 4.0 miles round trip, your program lists 5.983 miles.
Also the blue…"
Aug 13, 2009