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Building quadrocopter, testing optical flow

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Building quadrocopter, testing optical flow



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Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Optical Flow discussion thread
"Quadro logQuadro.zip"
Mar 17, 2016
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Optical Flow discussion thread
"Hi everyone!I'm testing v3.3.3 using PIXHAWK and PX4FLOW. I read reply Goro Senzai and all comments. And quadrotor work is realy cool! But I still have question, when trying fly with coaxial octorotor. Octorotor, when I'm trying take-off in Loiter…"
Mar 17, 2016
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Optical Flow discussion thread
"Thanks a lot Paul.
I mounted a separated sonar, zhang xu wrote about this http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/copter-3-3-beta-testing?id=705844... .

I have another optical flow senosor and I'll trying how it work."
Dec 2, 2015
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Optical Flow discussion thread
"Hi!I'm testing v3.3.2-RC2 using PIXHAWK and PX4FLOW. I read reply Goro Senzai and all comments. But still have two questions
1) I’m set the EKF_GPS_TYPE parameter equal to 3 and trying take-off in Loiter mode. But copter lost PITCH control via…"
Nov 26, 2015
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Copter-3.3 beta testing
"Thanks for looking into Randy! Yes, Copter-3.2.1 works but Copter-3.3.1 doesn't. Attach log for version 3.2.12015-11-06 11-04-07 97.bin2015-11-06 11-04-07 97.bin.log"
Nov 10, 2015
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Copter-3.3 beta testing
"Thanks for looking into Rob! But when I use prevuious version 3.2 with this coaxial octorotor everything all right (I didn't change battery and didn't calibrate ESC's). I change only version APM. With 3.2 I can control multirotor. With 3.3.1 it…"
Nov 9, 2015
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Copter-3.3 beta testing
I used version 3.3.1 with coaxial octorotor. I try take off in Stabilize mode. Compass and GPS disable, because next step I want use PX4FLOW. But when I move throttle stick only on one step coaxial octorotor take off very fast and I cann't…"
Nov 6, 2015
Paul Engel replied to Randy's discussion Copter-3.3 beta testing
"Hi Randy and Paul Riseborough.
I'm testing 3.3RC5 using PIXHAWK and PX4FLOW. And I have 2 question
1) I have completed all the steps in this guide http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-optional-hardware/common-op... , but parameter EKF5.meaRng is…"
Jun 3, 2015