"Where is your APM board located, is it near the motor? There are magnets in the motor which may affect the magnetometer.
Then the canopy is locked in place by two magnets, another possibility for error."
"Damaged ESC? Did you already try to recalibrate throttle range? Weird things can happen in crashes.
Try connecting a servo to APM output throttle channel, it should move along the throttle stick movement, if not the fault is in APM (settings?)."
"Go ahead!. I'm not sure how typical user I am, but I have 5 different Android devices, and 4 of them are (updated if not otherwise) 4.x, the one that is not is in the drawer anyway."
"I tested my tube, and surprise surprise, it was leaking too. But it was not the top end but bottom where the two pipes are glued to the main tube. The glue was not good, it was kind of cracked and leaked. Easy to fix, just add more glue over.
I just started a couple of week ago with Arduflier and APM 2.5 so this a newbie thing absolutely. Versions: Arduplane 2.7, Mission Planner 1.2.35 I have managed to do some flights, mostly still manual mode and a few short legs switching on the…