"Thnaks Paul,I will try to discover gps sensor tomorrowdo I have to get a 3D fix before I do"discover new sensor"??for the Mah It looks complicated doesn't it?I have a wattmeter I will try to use it"
".vous etes sur facebook? ça sera facile pour ne pas poluer ce forum.mon pseudo c est "Reno-Guiza safa"
je suis pas non plus fort en arduino mais j'ai trouvé une methode plus facile et simple "
"hello,I got Almost everything done,but I don't know how to calibrate the current,and my north arrow is not moving when I move the copter,need you help."
"Hi Hector,I read all you've posted about "teensy 3.1" and I intend to make the same.I want to get telemetry to my taranis via the pixhawk.I have two questions:I heard that to make it work,you have to modify pixhawk firmware.is this right?