
              • Thanks again, ended up being a Compatibility issue. I let windows do its own "Program Compatibility Troubleshooter" thing and finally the Teensyduino install completed!!

  • Hi all,

    sorry to bother you with this but i was not lucky with the search function.

    Some weeks ago i found a post here that described how you can extract the mavlink data again from the SBUS by decoding the signal you can get from the serial port of the Taranis Tx.  This would result in using only the 2,4 Ghz ACCST connection to feed Taranis and the GCS instead of adding a 433 Mhz radio.

    I remember that a second Teensy/arduino was used for this and that there ist some code on github already but as i said i am not able to find this any more.

    Does somebody have a hint!

    Thanks and merry Christmas!


  • Hi Luis

    I use your old script with 3.2.1 and 2.0.15 on taranis

    i wonder if i can upgrade the taranis tx to the latest firmware and steel to be able to use your old lua script ?

    or maybe that will screw all ?


    • No. It won't work with 2.1.x

      better follow the new development being done here

      This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort. Please do not use this repo, and follow…
  • Could someone please tell me what the telemetry rate requested is for attitude? Attitude not altitude,,  just in case you eyesight is as bad as mine. Thanks

    • Anybody? The reason I ask is I am loosing attitude telemetry after a minute or so of flight. I had to cut the TX wire from the teesny for it to work with a GCS at the same time. I can adjusts the telemetry rates via mission planner for attitude. I'd like to know what would be out of the norm for that setting maybe that's my problem. 

  • Thanks Clooney and everybody for working on this!!

    A few months ago after updating to apm copter 3.3 from 3.2 my script acted up as soon as I connect via mavlink to my ground control station [ gcs]  . I have open tx 2.0.13. My taranis would start verbalizing incorrect nonsense over and over. But only when I connected to a gcs otherwise it was fine. Was / is this a know issue that has been addressed with open tx 2.1 and this?

    Sorry if this has been covered... I looked for about 1/2 but there are a LOT of pages on this tread. I've sort of been waiting for a few months for a solution.


    This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort. Please do not use this repo, and follow…
    • I recomendó you take the time to read the thread completely,
      2.1 works fine with the latest version of clooney82 .
      So you have to have the right firmware for the teensy, the right config for Taranis and lua , the right sound files .. All together .
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