"Hi Ofir, I finally got mine working a while ago. I have never needed to arm it so assume maybe that it doesn’t require arming? When I apply power to it, it seems to fire up straight away."
"Hi Anthony,
Pulled the APM out of the plane and replaced it with a Pixhawk Mini. APM now in tracker and we're almost there. Mission planner is correctly showing position of Tracker and Aircraft, haven't quite succeeded in getting the red line to…"
"Hi Anthony,
thanks for the reply - let me study up on that. New to Pixhawk, thought it was going to be a tad more straightforward after APM2.5/2.7.
Sounds indicate 'Failed to Start'.
91 pages of reading, kudos to brains giving their time to this project.
Just upgraded APM to Pixhawk mini for the AT and loaded 0.8 firmware. Pixhawk sporting a solid red error light and isn't wanting to play. If I reload Plane 3.8.1 it…"
"Hi Kent,
Power setting was default with the new firmware, yet to relaunch model outdoors with the tracker. Let me chew through that wonderful new info and will report back in with results. Thank you so much for your time.
Not sure how much you realize how happy I am to hear from you...
This is a fairly new setup so open to any configuration changes (and education) you suggest. The intention was to use the antenna tracker as the relaying hub as it has yagi…"
"G'day Kent, appreciate your time.
I gratefully received V2.45 of the Async firmware and we now have comms with Mission Planner (small workshop dance). Just a couple of things before I can use it - I need to learn how to get rid of the latency and I…"
"Hi Michael,
Have a Windows 10 laptop and Control-x is bringing up a display external video option instead of vehicle switching. Would you know how one would change that?
"Hi Warren, have you had any experiences with relaying data through a single modem at all? I have 3 RFD900x's which I've just got talking to each other with the asynchronous firmware, no flight tests yet due hardware in transit."
"Hi all, can any of you legends point me in the direction of multipoint firmware for the 900x? Been operating two as a pair without any problems, mighty fine, but no joy with the RFD900x-AsyncRelease_V2.43.bin firmware. The RFD Tools 2.0 can read…"