Rizki Pratama's Discussions (5)

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Too much power drawn from APM.

I have been adding minimosd, 433mhz telemetry, a single servo for gimbal pitch stabilization.

I connect the servo positive and ground to one of the ESC BEC for power and connect signal to RC11 on APM.

I noticed that the receiver voltage went down to 4.

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Hexa Wobles in the Wind.

APM 2.5 AC 3.0.1 

DJI 550 Flamewheel.

F30 ESC Simonk

Multistar 2216 800kv

10x47 Slowfly.

My hexa is flying perfect in dead calm, but it behaves like a different animal when there is a slight breeze. It just wants to tilt in certain direction and slow wobb

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