My drone flies well in stabilized mode but when in loiter it gets jerky and somewhat noisy. It still flies, but not like I would like. I have changed flight controllers, GPS's and motors not the Q-brain ESC. There is no issue until I go to loiter
I have built several 650mm tarot quads and have stayed with what was working as far as motors go. I recently have been having issues in the wind with the drone not able to loiter in position and drifting. This only happens in winds 15 mph+. If I want
I have used mission Planner on my sony and Apm planner on Mac. The main difference is I cannot get to the full parameter list on the Mac. I am probably missing it. I would prefer to use the Mac, is there a full list somewhere so I can check SR settin
I am building a Tarot 650 quad with pixhawk. I am using the teensy 3.1 and cannot find any SRO perimeter settings to insure all the data is working. I have looked at the Taranis screen and it appears to be getting a lot of the information yet I'm not
I am building a 650 quad and I am using a hobby King pixhawk type controller. The build went great until I started to configure the flight modes. The mode box will not populate it just show blank boxes. I upgraded my mission planner and loaded 3.2.1