"I'm wondering if hugin couldn't be used for that purpose, if you have overlapping pictures.
It would be completely free.
It won't be geo-referenced, but could be useful for detecting damage in a field, given that there's enough features to match…"
"I have confirmed that the XBEE-modules on the Quads actually form a mesh-network.
Without a "middle man" packets were not received by a base station (Qgroundcontrol). With it some packets were still lost, but connection was established (heartbeats…"
"This is kind of an old thread, but I'm posting anyways, maybe this may be of help to someone.
I sucessfully connected two Arducopters (firmware 2.8.1 and 2.9.1) over Zigbee (not in API mode) to Qgroundcontrol:
I use the standard XBEE PRO S1, that…"