I'm testing sitl arducopter and i'm got some questions about it :
- Firstly, is this link still relevant ?
- Is it possible to send c++ code, which use mavlink, directly to sitl or it's also possible to make sitl with GCS ?
- If it's…"
I got know GPS and the pixhawk LED become solid green when I arm by Mavlink command : arming success ! I have also written one C++ method to take off my drone, it's work because I see in nutshell "Taking off" or something like this. I also…"
Hi everyone !I'm a trainee who works to make autonomous a maverick x8 drone. For that, I have got a Pixhawk, Odroid and C++ program (c_uart_interface_exemple) which permits me to communicate telemetrically between Pixhawk and Odroid using MAVlink…