"No luck with this thing. the esc's just keep beeping beep, beep, beep, I'm assuming it has something to do with calibrating the esc's to the pix hawk but cant figure it out. Post that I've seen all say phantom esc boards cant be calibrated. Any…"
So I'm currently trying to build a phantom 2 with a pixhawk auto pilot. i have power to the system but esc's keep beeping. beep,beep,beep and so on I also cant get the motors to arm. I have mission planner installed and I've loaded firmware but…
"Did you use a phantom 2 with a smart battery? Im building a phantom 2 with a pixhawk and I'm not sure were to plug in the 2 pin wire coming out of the battery. "
"Hey Im currently building a phantom 2 with a pixhawk as well. I saw that power distribution board does that have a port for the smart lead coming out of the battery? "