For those of you that have a CHR-6D IMU, I thought that you might be interested on the testing I have done on a quad-rotor. I basically took the open source software that comes with the IMU and implemented Bill's DCM algorithm on the on-board STM32…
"Far from a winning entry but we got a break in the weather around here so I decided to give it a go. I used my EasyStar with a 2200mAh battery and all video equipment (pan/tilt pod, camera and transmitter), so there is no way I can compete with…"
"Gary, Chris: why put the limitation of a single ascent/descent per circle? If for example my model can climb up and down twice in a single circle will that be acceptable (while not exceeding the 400ft limit)?
"Using the i2c library in Paparazzi is very easy. I used it a few weeks ago to interface with the EagleTree airspeed and altimeter sensors. Have a look at the baro_ets and airspeed_ets files in the sw/airborne directory."
"I agree, I can not think why there should be any restrictions on the pattern, number of cycles or climb per cycle. The objective should be simple: achieve the maximum possible cumulative climb without going above 400' and while staying within a…"
"Sounds like an interesting challenge, I am just not sure the weather will allow me to try it out. Will there be any restrictions on the pattern and altitude range we will be flying or we will simply look at the accumulated altitude when climbing? If…"
Yes, the flight plan is basically circles at each waypoint with conditions to proceed to the next waypoint when a certain heading is reached. The radius of each circle is configurable through the flight plan."
"Here is my first entry, 236 seconds and within 5m from the altitude targets (at the waypoints). Same setup as last month (EasyStar with Paparazzi, no I did not have time to build the FunJet :-). This run was at about 60% throttle. I will probably…"
"Thanks all it was fun! Looking forward to the next round, hopefully I will not need to run my poor EasyStar at full throttle all the time it has been abused enough :-)...
For me the main challenge was the development of the flight plan, I quickly…"
"I will not give up without a fight :-). Decided to take a ride to the field with the family and give it one last try, I was able to complete the course in 49.5 seconds. I did a few minor changes to the flight plan and increased the maximum roll…"