"There is a way to work around and I did try it. You need to set a vpn server on your home pc or in your router then you can use your Ground station (PC or tablet) to connect first to vpn .Then you will have a valid ip which you can have dynamic…"
"I have exactly the same problem with Tower. It seems that you cant change flight mode directly with tower. Not just follow me , but I cannot change to any other flight mode through Tower app after I updated it "
"Video Latency with home VPN is disaster I get lots of corrupted frames also. It might be because of low end router my home internet is pretty fast. I disabled any kind of encryption or compression but didn't effect much. I will change one of my usb…"
I seted up my router as von server.And dynamic dns on my home pc. Then with my laptop (which is connected with 4G) I connected to my home vpn server and had video and telemetery working this way.Raspi was on 4G also. Some port mapping on router…"
"Hi Tim, I would love to here about how you setup the VPN which I don't have any experience with it. the problem is not the static IP which can be easly solved with dynamic dns service like noip.com . The problem is nobody can reach to an open port…"
"The big disappointment with this project is , lets say you have all the setup done and loaded to your drone. Then you take your laptop with 4g dongle on it out. Your expectation is you should be able to get the video and telem link the way you…"