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Back to the activity again after 8 years.

Was involved with RC planes etc. making and flying since 2003. Entered into the field of autonomous flights in 2012 with the ArduPiot legacy board when learning C++ was kind of mandatory requirement to use that board. By 2017 had many successful flights using APM 2.5. After that had no time for the activity due to some personal reasons. Now back to the activity again as an old enthusiast, with SpeedyBee F405 WING. Therefore, your well wishes are required and occasional help will also be…

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DJI Mini-style drone running ardupilot

I've had the idea for this quad for nearly a month, but have not been able to sort out how to execute it and hope I can get some ideas here.The goalThis project would aim to make a quad that has: Endurance: The DJI Mini 2 can fly for 20-30 minutesPortability: The Mini series is foldable and very compact, and while the style of folding the mini/mavics use is difficult to recreate, I want to have the drone compact and able to fit in a backpackAffordability: The quad shouldn't exceed US$500A…

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Speedybee f405 Wing

Hi, I'm getting 5v across most of the servo rail except for s7 (3.7v), s5 (4.05v), and s8(bouncing around 350mV. The servos aren't working as expected when put in s3 and s4. If I just plug s3 in, I can get movement albeit not as much as I expected. I was going to try to use an external 5v supply from the esc but I can't find that option on the jumpers. Any ideas on how to stabilize it and why it wasn't already? I suck at soldering but I'm fairly certain I haven't shorted out and of the pads.…

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1 Reply · Reply by Richard White Jan 31