Still some parts to make and fit. Tail is large for such a light plane. With development tail sizing will be planned for. Bear in mind the aim is to carry larger payloads externally as well as internally.
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forgot to mention, I use 2 suppo ESC which operate at 120 Amps and 40 volts. Cheap and had them for 4 years.
Hello John, I use a Himaxx counter rotating brushless unit the biggest available. For a 19" diameter I get twice the thrust. Had 2 motors since 2008 and they are really high quality and very light. Expensive but worth it. wingspan 1.8 m....chord 30 cms.....clark Y profile. I use a Junkers style flap. Stall is designed for 30 mph.....take of at 30 mph. Next wing will have spars, hardpoints so payload can be carried on the wing. Plane designed for Openrelief disater drone project.
polymer tube front end, phenolic resing rear end.
this site has components suitable for both fuselage and bulkhead rings.....the aluminium channels then fasten through tube into the bulkhead rings. So far front end is 3 kgs, rear 2 kgs and wing is 1 kg. Showed it at our local Open source hardawre event. The airframe is for Openrelief.. Eddie
looks nice, what kind material is that on the fuselage?