Here is the tlog of todays flight in 20knot winds!
It would of been handy having a pitot tube. Also we may have to increase the assist speed as we lost a bit of control when flying purely on the front motor.
Other modifiction made are the quad motors are now Turnigy SK3 5045 (480) with 15"x4.5" propsr
each motor now has its own battery 6S 2.2AH
Front motor also a SK3 5045 (500) with 13"x8" prop 6S 8AH batt
QuadPlane flew remarkably well considering the high winds
Thanks, john. I want to get the log and the quad size because I want to use the PID as a reference to tune my quadplane. I am not firmilar with the PID tuning. So if Warren want to share the fly log, it will be best.
Great job,Warren! Nice, I also want to follow you building such a VTOL, can you share your building process, such as the motor type and quad size? If the fly log is available, it will be best, thanks!
In my first PID tuning attempt,(prior to autotune) I tried to hold my hex over my head with one hand and work my remote with the other. Unfortunately, it was a big hex. The results where not good and involved blood.
Ever since I have thoughts of a tether arrangement for no risk tuning. It looks like you figured it out. I was hoping for a video clip...
@zhian_yan the quad motors are 720mm square apart.
Here is the tlog of todays flight in 20knot winds!
It would of been handy having a pitot tube. Also we may have to increase the assist speed as we lost a bit of control when flying purely on the front motor.
Other modifiction made are the quad motors are now Turnigy SK3 5045 (480) with 15"x4.5" propsr
each motor now has its own battery 6S 2.2AH
Front motor also a SK3 5045 (500) with 13"x8" prop 6S 8AH batt
QuadPlane flew remarkably well considering the high winds
Thanks, john. I want to get the log and the quad size because I want to use the PID as a reference to tune my quadplane. I am not firmilar with the PID tuning. So if Warren want to share the fly log, it will be best.
@zhian_yan Motor size and e-Calc info was previously posted at
The other info Warren only Warren knows. Good Luck. John
Great job,Warren! Nice, I also want to follow you building such a VTOL, can you share your building process, such as the motor type and quad size? If the fly log is available, it will be best, thanks!
In my first PID tuning attempt,(prior to autotune) I tried to hold my hex over my head with one hand and work my remote with the other. Unfortunately, it was a big hex. The results where not good and involved blood.
Ever since I have thoughts of a tether arrangement for no risk tuning. It looks like you figured it out. I was hoping for a video clip...
The straps don't get into the props?