The AMA is claiming that the FAA has "forced" them to become the "manager" of recreational aviation that will force every recreational sUAV user to be a member of the AMA or not be able to fly.
From one of the AMA's "ARC" FAQs:
"AMA would prefer to see a single set of guidelines managed by a community-based organization
that establishes the standards for all of model aviation. AMA is actively developing a
comprehensive set of model aviation guidelines from its current safety standards for submittal to
the FAA and hopefully acceptance and approval before the sUAS SFAR becomes a reality in
This may sound to some like the Academy is trying to force all modelers to join the AMA.
Certainly AMA believes there is strength in numbers and the health and welfare of the hobby
undoubtedly depends upon the presence of a strong national organization that can speak for and
advocate the interests of the aeromodeling community. But, forcing modelers to join the AMA is
by no means the intent of the Academy’s approach to the sUAS rulemaking. AMA’s sole aim is
to work through this issue that has been somewhat forced upon us, and achieve an end result that
allows the modelers to continue to enjoy the hobby in much the same way as they have in the
Seems like a sneaky way to bolster their falling membership by millions. The AMA has no oversight policy for its members or clubs and its safety policies are based soley on what an insurance company will allow. Let us hope that the AMA will be ignored by the FAA. A set of atandards for everyone to follow instead of forcing everyone to get an AMA insurance policy is what is needed.
How is this relevant to the AMA matter? Any organization with the resources and membership backing to provide similar (or parallel) services in a manner that fulfill FAA requirements will also have to be recognized by the FAA. You see, quasi-governmental monopolies are only allowed in certain industries.