
[UPDATE: This project is now being ported to a proper Google Code repository and manual. For instructions, start there. You can also join the ArduRover User Group here.]

Hello to ALL, the new firmware for APMRover v2 has been tested successfully on my rover on may 1st, 2012 on full autonomous reco mission following a navigation plan. This new release of the APMRover v2 works on the APM v1.4 with the OilPan shield (magnetometer + MT3329 GPS) and also of course on the APM v2. The previous version of the APMRover v1.0 was a light size version specially designed for the APM1280 CPU (only) board and the MT3329 GPS.


For the frame, I have used a Traxxas Monster Jam Grinder with a brushed and high power motor Titan 12T and its XL-5 ESC.

The APMrover UGV is able to run itself following a list of recorded waypoints. The waypoints list (FPL) can be preloaded with the APM Mission Planner OR better in live, recorded by the pilot himself (with the SW7) during a manual run and then replayed in a full autonomous mission.





The firmware APMrover2 for APM v1 + OilPan or APM v2 successfully tested can be downloaded HERE

The APMrover v2 is also online on the official ArduPilot-Mega GIT repository HERE

Below the PID setup for the APMrover v1 and v2:


The light firmware APMrover1 for APM v1 (CPU 1280 or 2560) that I have tested can be downloaded HERE 

Here's how to connect your cables:


More infos at:

Have Fun and Enjoy with the APMrover...

Regards, Jean-Louis

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  • Hi Jean-Louis,

    I can not calibrate ch8(radio calibration) with APMrover 2.1.3b.

    With APMRover 20b, I do not have problems.

    Library error or my mistake?






  • Developer

    Hello Chris,

    Glad to see that you have succeed and enjoyed to get working the APMrover.

    Here below my current PID setup (used in the tests video of the firmware APMrover 2.1.3b)


    To decrease the nav gain, you may reduce the NAV/ROLL Proportional gain


    If you have too much gain of the steering you may also reduce the ROV_GAIN parameter

    Happy tuning,

    Regards, Jean-Louis

  • JL, I know it's not a big deal, but just sort of neat how a change like that works it's way through the system.  I wasn't sure how or if it would happen at all.

  • 3D Robotics

    It worked! We had a fun day in the field teaching it waypoints and watching it try to replicate. There was a good bit of "random walk" to find the waypoints and it sometimes looped around it, but I think I just need to turn down the steering sensitivity. What's the best Parameter to change to make the auto steering less sensitive?

  • Developer

    @Robert: That depends of the library used, with the old lib (this is STABILIZE mode) or with the new one with the new mavlink library update (this is called LEARNING mode)...

    This is not really important here for the feature... The result is the same, this is only a terminology question...



  • JL, does MP now say "Learning" when you go in that mode or does it still say Stabilize?  If so, that's awesome!

  • Developer

    Hello Chris,

    The baud rate is now set to 57600 for the new APMrover release.

    Does there Wp list is empty when you switch from manual to auto ? Could you please, try to record an WP with the SW7 and then switch to AUTO ?

    To record/add  a new WP you need to be in LEARNING mode then switch the SW7 to ON then OFF

    To clear the WP list you need to be in MANUAL mode then switch the SW7 to ON then OFF

    Regards, Jean-Louis

  • 3D Robotics

    Bingo--that fixed it. Maybe 57600 should be set at the default for Port 3, the way it is on all the other code?

    One more thing: sometimes switching from manual to auto reboots the board. Any idea why?

  • Developer

    Hello Chris,

    Yes Mavlink is enabled and work well with my PC and my ArduStation.

    Please check the baud rate in the APM_rover_config.h

    #define SERIAL3_BAUD        57600

    Regards Jean-Louis

  • 3D Robotics

    Jean-Louis: Is MAVLink enabled on the telemetry port? I'm just seeing garbage coming over the 3DR/Xbee radios..

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