
[UPDATE: This project is now being ported to a proper Google Code repository and manual. For instructions, start there. You can also join the ArduRover User Group here.]

Hello to ALL, the new firmware for APMRover v2 has been tested successfully on my rover on may 1st, 2012 on full autonomous reco mission following a navigation plan. This new release of the APMRover v2 works on the APM v1.4 with the OilPan shield (magnetometer + MT3329 GPS) and also of course on the APM v2. The previous version of the APMRover v1.0 was a light size version specially designed for the APM1280 CPU (only) board and the MT3329 GPS.


For the frame, I have used a Traxxas Monster Jam Grinder with a brushed and high power motor Titan 12T and its XL-5 ESC.

The APMrover UGV is able to run itself following a list of recorded waypoints. The waypoints list (FPL) can be preloaded with the APM Mission Planner OR better in live, recorded by the pilot himself (with the SW7) during a manual run and then replayed in a full autonomous mission.





The firmware APMrover2 for APM v1 + OilPan or APM v2 successfully tested can be downloaded HERE

The APMrover v2 is also online on the official ArduPilot-Mega GIT repository HERE

Below the PID setup for the APMrover v1 and v2:


The light firmware APMrover1 for APM v1 (CPU 1280 or 2560) that I have tested can be downloaded HERE 

Here's how to connect your cables:


More infos at:

Have Fun and Enjoy with the APMrover...

Regards, Jean-Louis

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  • Admin

    Hi all,

    Finally figured out why the ArduRover2 (2.13e) code would not upload to my APM1 with IDE 022 relaxed. My brand new FTDI cable from the DIY Drones store is defective. Since I am here in TX and all of my test equipment and spare FTDI cables are in FL, I made a run to the Plano Fry's Electronics and picked up an OSEPP (Canadian outfit) USB FTDI cable. Unlike the DIY Drones FTDI cable, it is on a small pwb, has tx/rx leds and requires a USB to min cable. It was only $15.99 and that is competitive with the DYI Drones FTDI cable price. Best of all, it works with my APM1 board to upload the APMRover code without a problem. Plus you can see the start and end of the upload with the tx/rx leds. I have already sent 3D Robotics an email detailing my problems and suggesting that the FTDI cable is most likely bad. Hopefully I can get a refund. Now to try and load the latest code ArduRover2.20a with IDE 1.0 relaxed.



  • Developer

    Hello Françis,

    The APM 2 need to be powered to 5V DC through the servos output of the APM. Does you have been able to do a calibration of your radio with the planner ? This is required to get the output.

    For more infos about the calibration process, look at:

    Check also if the PPM strap is set properly:


    Good tuning,

    Regards, Jean-Louis

  • DIY community,

      Working on ArduRover v2 with APM2. I have the ArduRover2 code loaded on the APM2 and I connected the servo motor to Out1 and the ESC to Out 3. I'm still waiting on servo cables to connect the receiver to the inputs. But while I'm waiting I want to see if I can get the darn thing to move or wiggle or something. With Mission Planner I have connected the Computer>APM>Rover and I set waypoints but nothing happens.

    A lot of the ArduPlane instructions for the Mission Planner seem to be Aircraft specific so I can't tell what functions I would use for the rover.

    *The Mission Planner is currently set to "reset APM on USB connect". Does that clear just my waypoints or my ArduRover code? I would think just waypoints but nothing is working so hey doesn't hurt to ask

    Any help or suggestions would be very helpful

  • Yesterday I did some tests with my "Urban Rover".

    Full APM V1 (Oilpan + GPS MT3329 + Magnetometer HMC5883L)

    No sonar.

    Firmware APMrover v2.16a JL Naudin.

    The WP were saved using learning method.

    The vehicle missed the points(saved WP) 1 to 3 meter.

    And  sometimes she passed thorough  the same points . Close to the saved ones !

    I have a video:

  • 3D Robotics

    Good news from the Sparkfun competition: ArduRover successfully completed the course in the third round! I had a really slow rover, so there was no chance of winning, but it was a perfect run, hitting five waypoints precisely with no weaving in-between. 

    A few observations/lessons:

    1. I had to turn off the Sharp IR obstacle detection. Too many false positives. I think we should change the code to require at least two or three readings inside the target distance before the obstacle flag is set. I know this will slow detection a bit, but we need some kind of filtering.
    2. I can't get the CLI to work in the current ArduRover code, so I can't download my logs. I'm using an APM 2560, so I should have plenty of memory for this. JLN: do you know why it's not working?
    3. The soon-to-be-released 3DR uBlox 6 worked great. It's a must-have for rovers, and much better than the Mediatek for ground applications.
    4. Most of the other rovers at Sparkfun were not using a magnetometer. Instead, they just use the GPS vector and a gyro to maintain heading. JLN: for people using the APM with the IMU shield, is the gyro used to maintain heading? If so, what additional advantage is given by enabling the magnetometer? 
  • 3D Robotics

    Hello from the Sparkfun Competition, where I'll be competing with this today!

    Here's a bunch of useful tips that we'll put in the formal ArduRover documentation soon:

    You can get the Sharp IR distance sensors here (get this cable, too).

    If you're using the APM 1 IMU shield, you can solder the IR sensor wires to these pins (A0, V+ and GND):


    Enable the Sharp IR Sensor by checking the "Sonar" check box in the Mission Planner setup. Also don't forget to calibrate your compass with the "Live Calibration": just click the box, click OK, and point the rover to the four points of the compass and up and down, each for a few seconds, until it tells you that's it's done. 


    Set this distance you want it to trigger it from the Parameter list:


    You can test it by looking at the Mission Planner telemetry monitor window (this only works on the USB port; it will not work on the Xbee/3DR radio port):


  • Hi, a lot has changed since the start of the thread. Could the first post be edited so it is up to date and also includes a shop where to get the Sharp sensor? I've been following it from the start and got my own car (had to sell my apm2 to some university students, they needed it harder and new one is on the way for me) but still lost track of all that has changed.

  • Developer

    Hello Cody,

    I am glad to see that you have succeed in following waypoints with the APMrover. Congratulations !!!

    Regards, Jean-Louis

  • Jean-Louis,

    I got my rover to follow waypoints today!  I had to reverse the leads to the motors since it kept trying to back away from the waypoints.

    I'm controlling through a game controller instead of a remote control, so all of my slider axis return to center.  This makes it difficult to utilize your ch 7 and ch 8 functions.  I'm going to try to modify the code to use the buttons on the game controller instead of a slider.

    Great job!

  • @John,

    Hi John, I'd heard it was coming out, but hadn't kept up on it.  I wasn't planning on such a fancy sensor when I started on the Robomagellan project (was just going to use a few Arduinos), but if the LIDAR continues to be available, then that might be the solution!



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