Warning: there was a period of about 12 hours after this blog was first posted where an older version (AC3.1.2) replaced AC3.2.1 for APM2. If you think you may have downloaded for the APM2 during these initial period, please check the version on your board by looking at the title bar of the Mission Planner (see the 5th comment from me below for a screenshot)
ArduCopter 3.2.1 has completed beta testing and has been released as the official version available through the mission planner and other ground stations. If upgrading from AC3.2 there should be no need to re-do any configuration.
Changes from AC3.2 are listed below and in the ReleaseNotes:
1) Enhancements:
a) reduced twitch when passing Spline waypoints
b) Faster disarm after landing in Auto, Land, RTL
c) Pixhawk LED turns green before arming only after GPS HDOP falls below 2.3 (only in flight modes requiring GPS)
2) Safety Features:
a) Add desired descent rate check to reduce chance of false-positive on landing check
b) improved MPU6k health monitoring and re-configuration in case of in-flight failure
c) Rally point distance check reduced to 300m (reduces chance of RTL to far away forgotten Rally point)
d) auto-disarm if vehicle is landed for 15seconds even in Auto, Guided, RTL, Circle
e) fence breach while vehicle is landed causes vehicle to disarm (previously did RTL)
3) Bug Fixes:
a) Check flight mode even when arming from GCS (previously it was possible to arm in RTL mode if arming was initiated from GCS)
b) Send vehicle target destination in RTL, Guided (allows GCS to show where vehicle is flying to in these modes)
c) PosHold wind compensation fix
d) prevent infinite loop with do-jump commands pointing at each other
e) pixhawk memory corruption fix when connecting via USB
f) vehicle stops at fence's alt limit in Loiter, AltHold, PosHold (as it did in AC3.1.5)
g) protect against multiple arming messages from GCS causing gyro calibratoin failure
Thanks very much to Marco and our beta testers who put their copters at risk over the past several weeks to help us iron out these issues. Also Thanks to Raph for the video (this is actually a video from AC3.2).
Hi Paul,
You can choose what axis to tune by setting the Autotune_Axis variable to 3.
So why is your copter crashing during yaw tuning?
Do you have a log?
What is the best version of Mission Planner for Mac 3.2.1 on APM 2.6? Thanks
Hi Waladi,
Yes there is but not as much as on your roll, pitch, yaw and alt-hold tune. In general you probably won't detect any variation in your auto performance though.
Noted Leonard, will test it tomorrow since it is night in this part of the world :)
Many thanks for your response.
May I know is there any effect on the AUTO flight if I reduce the INS_MPU6K_FILTER into: 5hz due to high vibration?
Hi Waladi,
I had a look at your log file and the problem is your roll tune. You need to drop your rate PID values until the problem goes away then attempt to retune your copter. I would suggest 50% drop initially.
Thanks for reposting here!!
Hi Randy and Dev Team,
Require some information regarding the parameter below:
If I change the value of INS_MPU6K_FILTER into: 5hz due to high vibration
Is it affecting AUTO and other flight mode?
Since default value (20hz or 0 ) make the THR pulsing extremely on take-off even when using Stabilize.
Log file before the value changed, pulsing wildly on take off.
Any advice perhaps :) ?
Many Thanks
I was doing some tests today and by some reason the gps unit connected to the main gps port on my pixhawk is not acquiring any sats, but by another side the second gps unit is working fine. I had the copter just sitting on the ground connected to mission planner via telemetry radio, and even with the second gps having good signal, I could not get GPS 3D FIX message.
I'm misunderstanding how it should actually work?
@Randy, thanks for taking a look !
How/where can I check/look to on this side that the mission item is invalid (has the 255 command ) ? So I wont have to go outside to test the Auto behavior.