Future:-More tests, outdoor tests...-Add ArduIMU magnetometer to correct yaw drift-Add GPS for position control...-Add Ultrasonic rangefinger for automatic take-off / landing...-Add camera with stabilization...-Find time to all this projects... :-)Here is the code and some notes: Quad1_15.zipSome link to photos: Photo1,Photo2,Photo3,Photo4Jose Julio.
Future:-More tests, outdoor tests...-Add ArduIMU magnetometer to correct yaw drift-Add GPS for position control...-Add Ultrasonic rangefinger for automatic take-off / landing...-Add camera with stabilization...-Find time to all this projects... :-)Here is the code and some notes: Quad1_15.zipSome link to photos: Photo1,Photo2,Photo3,Photo4Jose Julio.
hi fnds,can i get the components names for building this...thanks in advance
Is your code usable in ArduIMU v3 without GPS..?
Hallo. i have a question about the Quad1_15.zip sketch. can i test it on pc via terra term or arduimu test? or is their a version were it is possible? thanks
why my rx value from 8ch ppm encoder not Correct. I use receiver futaba r617fs .I connect receiver to 8 ch ppm encoder v.2 and board arduimu v2 follow instructions. I Measure the signal output of the 8 ch ppm encoder is shown picture
the signal output of the 8 ch ppm encoder
please help me
I have a Tx JR 388 (2,4 Ghz FRSKY) and Rx FRSKY D8R v2 with PPM at ch8. In JR channel order is 1Throttle 2Aleiron 3Elevator and 4Rudder, and I changed the reading order of the receiver in the code:
//ch1 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(1); // Read radio channel values
//ch2 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(2);
//ch3 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(3);
//ch4 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(4);
//This order for JR
ch3 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(1); // Throttle
ch1 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(2); // Aleiron
ch2 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(3); // Elevator
ch4 = RxGetChannelPulseWidth(4); // Rudder
but can not get work. My Rx latency is 18ms I think. PPM and chain with 7 channels as well:
Should I change something else to get the signal from the Rx to my ArdIMU?
Sorry for my ignorance, but I want to learn about this board and its code.Thank you in advance who can help me.
hai. how to program arduIMU? can you teach me? thanks.. :)
one more short question. 3 wires to motor from esc. does it mater to motor which wires goes where on motor?
The DCM is complex but this may help http://diydrones.ning.com/profiles/blogs/dcm-imu-theory-first-draft...
Hey all. Maybe somebody can explain to me, how Jose connect only one BEC power wire (red one) to power, and other 3 use only ground (black) and white (pwm control)? so it means he power only one bec? or bec take power from battery directly to power logical circuit?