"Hey,I am not using DCM algo for arduIMU v3 cause it is not giving me correct anglular orientation.I have used only MPU6000 for orientation calculation.The function for used for calculation gyro angle is as below:
void Get_Gyro_Rates(unsigned long…"
"Hey if You have a DMP code which can run on ArduIMU v3 Hardware please share it..?I want it very badly cause, DCM is not giving proper output without GPS.Please share the code.."
"Hello Fellas,I am quite juggling for accurate the arduIMU v3 code. First thing is that I don't not having GPS. I have tried ArduIMU_1.9.8, KalmanIMU.. But I am not able to get constant Euler Angles. I am mounting this IMU on my quadcopter. If…"
"same config here..I am also using ArduIMU v3 and Arduino Mega as main controller for my Quadcopter..Which type of communication you are using to communicate these two.?I am simply using Serial communication."
"Hey buddy,
I am doing the same thing what you are doing.
I have filtered data using kalman and passing them to two PIDs for roll and pitch running on the Arduino.I am driving ESCs using standard Servo library which gives 50Hz PWM. One more thing I…"