New Features of ArduPilot 2.6:
- Supports IMU or thermopiles
- All-new control laws. PI and D for all functions
- Two fly-by-wire modes: A (with airspeed control) and B (without airspeed control)
- Designed for ArduIMU code 1.7 if you're using the IMU (upgrade if you haven't already)
- Support for absolute pressure sensor and magnetometer add-ons to IMU
- Optional performance reporting; sends IMU quality data (gyro saturation, etc) to ground station
- Experimental support for autonomous takeoff and landing!
Some of this is documented in the code and the configuration comments. I'm in the process of updating the manual to reflect all the 2.6 changes, so please be patient for the next few days until I'm done.
I've removed foam I've added between IMU and the airframe and the problem has gone :)
no more strange behaviour even with full throttle !!!
On the RTL issue if you can use the latest 2.6 code in the repository and set GCS_PROTOCOL 1 to get the alternate telemetry stream I would be happy to look at the data and help you debug.
> 1. Stabilize and FlyByWire_A modes works ok but I've no manual throttle (engine is on but at about 20%).
> 2. In RTL mode, it seems direction of servo moves are reversed (at least pitch) because plane goes down
> just after I switch to RTL.
after today's tests I have some new findings.
problems exists with stabilize and flybyware either but only when I set too much throttle (or maybe plane is going too fast?).
in that case plane is turning almost vertically to the ground or banks far more then HEAD_MAX.
as I mentioned previously I was already flying with that setup but I have:
- uploaded newest Adupilot/Imu code,
- added baro and magneto to the imu (currently turn off with config),
- inserted some foam beetwen imu and plane's frame.
I'll perform more tests with roll and pitch displayed on the osd because it seems imu readings are distorted by vibrations from the engine ?
I flew 2.6 for the first time today and it went great. I haven't flown waypoints yet; just rtl, loiter, fly by wire A, and stabilize. Everything worked with the default gains. I did, however, make a mistake and forgot to disable the airspeed sensor which didn't have a pitot tube on it. When I went to RTL the plane went wild which I quickly diagnosed as the throttle going full on. Otherwise everything went great.
Chris had some trouble because he was using a Z sensor. We disabled it and were able to fly normally. I think the sensor's scaler value isn't getting set properly. I will change the code to make that more reliable.
Overall it worked great, so thanks!
Done - R128 of ArduIMU