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  • Moderator
    What are the pins next to the ATtiny45 programming pins for? Are they for using the same programmer to program both the ATtiny45 and Atmega?
  • @Chris or Jordi

    I want to use a three position toggle to activate the mux/failsafe.

    What do I have to do in order that the failsafe enter only with 80% to 100% command with this three position toggle?

    I read in Ardupilot.pge a reference to this three position toggle, IIRC, it lead us to the attiny45 failsafe programming, I was there, read it all, but didn't see any reference to it in the failsafe v15 code.

    Can you help me moving the MUX toggle command to 80%??

  • 3D Robotics
    You can use Software.serial on other digital pins to get additional serial I/O. It's just not very efficient.
  • the problem is two way comunication then or? or is there some way to multiplex the serial port?
  • 3D Robotics
    Yes, we will be releasing the EasyStar version this week.
  • can u use the adrupilot in a easystar?
  • I got the answer and already made the adaptor !
  • Hi Chris and Jordi, today while attempting to program the Atmega168 i had the need to build an adaptor for my Avr programmer but then i couldn't do it because of the lack of info about what does each pin of the programming ports, couldn't find any info about it and i must confess i didn't look at the schematics, could you please indentify each one for both Avr's on the Ardupilot top board ?

  • GPS just uses Rx, so sending anything out by serial works. Question is how do you connect it with mobile phone. If you do, you can record GPS locally or use GSM network to send telemetry.
  • I was just wondering if I could use Serial.println() to communicate with a cellphone to submit data to ground, or will this influence the GPS readings? Does the GPS only require Rx on the module so TX is free or?
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