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  • i wanna make a system(for gps tracking and stbilization). but i don't know well about this. i have not seen the AVR. do u have C++ program open source for building system? and how can i buy board from oversea?
  • 3D Robotics

    Ah, you're referring to 2.1 and the fly-by wire mode. I haven't tested that, since we don't have any receivers that stop all PWM when they lose signal. (What receiver to do you have? That sounds like an odd behavior). The solution for you is to disable fly-by-wire mode by commenting out the relevent lines. Most other people have receivers with more normal signal-loss behavior so they won't have this problem.
  • Hi Chris, in the main loop we have:

    read_Ch1(); //reading the receiver with very short delays
    read_Ch2(); //Reading the receiver with very short delays

    and in the navigation folder:

    /* void stabilization(void)
    unsigned int t_dt=millis()-PID_timer; //Timer...

    if(t_dt > PID_dt)

    if((abs(read_Ch1())>25) || (abs(read_Ch2())>25))//Fly by wire, check if we move the sticks
    pulse_servos(PID_roll(roll_trim+(read_Ch1()/16), get_roll(),roll_abs,t_dt),PID_pitch(pitch_error(pitch_trim+(read_Ch2()/16), get_pitch()),t_dt));

    If I dont remove this sentences on no input pulses, program is frozen.
    Regards, Pablo
  • 3D Robotics

    Bill, you can't fly a plane on two accelerometers! This comes up a lot with beginners, so we even put a post on the front page to address it.
  • 3D Robotics

    ArdupIlot only reads your RC input once, at startup, so that's not it. It may however be that the MUX is reading the RC signal loss as on "off" command. If you want proper signal loss behavior, upgrade the MUX/Attiny software to version 1.6.
  • Hi, I have a receiver that in case of signal loss stop all pulsing in the outputs.
    When this happend Ardupilot program stops running. PulseIn is supose to have a timeout
    parameter, but is this really working? Program keeps running if I remove all PulseIn sentences or if I turn on again the transmitter.
  • I've tried to find the answer by reading as much as I can about ArduPilot but I still can't so here's the question -
    The Ardupilot is a fairly complex device and it even uses GPS, so why does it use the pyro sensors instead of a dual axis accelerometer?
    The cost is about the same but the accelerometer would give much more stable data on the attitude of the aircraft, especially when near a cliff or building and when lining up for landing.
    Damped accelerometers measure the actual angles but the pyro sensor assumes a flat 360 degree horizon in all phases of a flight.
    I am not criticising the ArduPilot or the pyro sensors, I just want to know why they have been chosen.
  • 3D Robotics

    As I posted here, that was a mistake.
  • Jordi,
    Chris states in the 2.1 field setup:
    “2. Place a jumper cap on pins D6 and D7 (you can also connect a regular RC power switch to those pins if you want to control the autopilot from outside of the aircraft).”
    But you stated:
    “In 2.1 is different in order to free the pin 7, you need to ground pin 6 to set home position or leave unconnected to continue normally. The pin 7 is now used to turn of the GPS in the Shields...”
    Which is correct?
  • @Neal: do a search on "shutter" or "trigger" adn check out the aerial photography discussion
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