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  • I forgot to mention that crashing RC planes while learning to fly is much more expensive than spending a few tens of USD every 2-3 months to get ArduPilot up to date.
  • i sure that those guys who are working for you/us , all, have nothing to do with the FMA crew that decided to discontinued there Z sensor so don't blame them...

    i'm one of the guys that will have to buy the whole sensor kit because i only have the XY sensor from FMA
    as i already say, if you are doing electronics/autopilots , you will figure out what to do with your FMA sensor for an others project....

    when i get my new sets of sensor i'll try to figure out if there is a way to uses different branded sensor by adding a Bias or somthing like that.
    maybe Jordi or Chris (maybe i missed someone) did already the research and found out that it's not possible at all.

    will see later , be patient everyone
  • Maybe I'm wrong, but there's very certainly a possibility to split the sensor reading and data processing for two types of sensors with different gains. There's most certainly a way to calibrate the specific gains to match themselves. And there's still plenty of available code memory in the ATmeaga 328 to add quite a bit of coding. Since it is an open source project, the one or the other might encode the use of FMA XY + DIYdrones Y-sensor (or any other) to have an alternative version of ArduPilot. If I get a chance to buy the lacking Z-sensor from DIYdrones, then I may well try that out before getting a new XY sensor. Finally we all knew that ArduPilot is a "project" and as such, there could be such situations to deal with on the way. Those who are looking for a 100% RTF autopilot package could maybe also look around for another solution which suits them better (at some cost, of course). As to me I am glad to learn in the process, even if progress isn't as fast as expected at first.
  • T3
    evil, you are fine if you have the z sensor from fma and the xy from fma. Those of us who bought xy sensors then fma ran out of z sensors are hooped....
  • i am with Steve i got the FMA sensor package including the Z sensor and would hate to have wasted $100 if it will not be supported by Ardupilot especilly since i got the FMA sensors at the advice of tutorial on this very page
  • oh...... so I have to buy some more stuff.... I am not gonna lie... this is getting frustrating..... what I have does not work properly and even if it does happen to work one day it won't work with the sensors I have bought for this system from FMA that were meant to work specifically for this.
  • Developer
    Yes it works fines but only with paparazzi xy ir sensor. Because the gains are equal.
  • sigh... so the paparazzi sensors don't work? I bought a z sensor from there... I still have yet to get a chance to hook it up but I was told it works perfectly by the vendor... tell me this is possible...
  • Developer
    Ok finally here is the video, sorry about the background noise (is my fan):
  • a bit sad,but not too bad, we will just have to keep our little sensors for some others projects or to use with the FMA copilot itself for those who have it.

    i guess for myself i'll use the FMA copilot in my coming AP coaxial helicopter...(i'll tell you about it when i receive it)

    good work everyone!
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