Finally! took me some time fix this. But for some reason the new bootloader of the Atmega328 is running at 57600bps (Hoo! that means the uploading time is a lot shorter compared with AT168), so i had to add the option to select between atmega168 and atmega328 as is illustrated in the picture above or right.Of course the latest file can be found here.Please report bugs, is normal that the upload/downloading procedure fails sometimes, but not so often...In the near future, the app will include:-Save and Load missions from the hard-drive (do you like .adp as extension?).-A better way to add waypoints.-Choose the desired speed for each mission.-And many more...Enjoy!
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  • @myself - seems I missed one line:
    "Initialize the board by clicking on "write" before doing anything else. "
    I don't get the funky GPS settings, now the read/writes seem fine. need to continue testing...
  • I can't seem to identify the reason for the following:

    I'm running the new 328 board with theEM406 GPS, the 2.2 code has successfully been uploaded, I'm getting the blue GPS lock light on solid (seems like I usually have to plug in the FTDI connector to trigger the lock) I get servo and gps information on the serial monitor in arduino 017.
    However, when I use the ArduPilot Config tool Fix1 and go to read the waypoints, every lat and every lon setting is: -1E-06 - I have not altered the sketch files at this point, the .h file has GPS set to SIRF. Why are the waypoints showing as they are?
  • 3D Robotics
    For those of you having trouble with the utility, I suggest you downgrade to the ArduPilot 2.0.1 software and enter that info in the code manually. We're swamped with other tasks right now and working on ArduPilot 2.2, which will make all this easier.
  • I continue to get the "Something is wrong" error, yet when I delete the waypoints and choose read, it reads back the waypoints for me.

    Are you able to add some print commands that will print out the software version, status and waypoints list in the serial monitor so we can see what is currently written to the board?
  • Yup... Everything is as instructed...
  • 3D Robotics
    Are you selecting the correct board (328) and serial port in the utility?
  • Chris,

    I get "I can't read it!" message with or without the GPS is attached. I've successfully uploaded the ardupilot code to the board, and the board sends back messages (write serial; displayed on serial monitor). If I understand it correctly, ArduPilotConfig supposed to receive data and dispaly (i.e. set the Lat/Lon, ...) What am I missing?

  • 3D Robotics

    You can't write to ArduPilot when the GPS is attached. It must be unplugged for all FTDI communications.
  • OliverD,

    I'm having exactly the same problems, except my ardupilot is 328 AND I have the GPS attached. It must be a simple issue, but... BTW, I also can get data from ardupilot off the serial monitor.

  • OliverD,

    I'm having exactly the same problems, except my ardupilot is 328 AND I have the GPS attached. It must be a simple issue, but... BTW, I also can get data from ardupilot off the serial monitor.

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