"I have the same problem. When I enter any key, not only Enter, the Planner freezes (I'm using the latest 1.1.95 with mavlink 1.0). Running on Windows 7 professional.
Actually, it is not disconnecting the COM line, either."
I get "I can't read it!" message with or without the GPS is attached. I've successfully uploaded the ardupilot code to the board, and the board sends back messages (write serial; displayed on serial monitor). If I understand it correctly,…"
I'm having exactly the same problems, except my ardupilot is 328 AND I have the GPS attached. It must be a simple issue, but... BTW, I also can get data from ardupilot off the serial monitor.
I'm having exactly the same problems, except my ardupilot is 328 AND I have the GPS attached. It must be a simple issue, but... BTW, I also can get data from ardupilot off the serial monitor.
I've installed the latest software (2.1.1) to the arduPilot, but I cannot get ground station and the config tool working as yet. The ground station does not list the I/O ports. When I click the GoogleEarth button, it complains about the file…"
"Chris, anything new here yet? I'm eager to have my hand on one of these units. I like the redundancy and fail safe nature. BTW, are you using 168 or 386?